Members now have access to online information via our new Facebook Page
On Monday, January 4, 2021, Clarke-Washington EMC members scrolling through their Facebook pages will likely have discovered a new face in the social mix with the launch of the official Clarke-Washington EMC Facebook Page.
Members of Clarke-Washington EMC and the local communities can now utilize social media to find helpful information, updates and important events taking place in the cooperative 24-hours-a-day.
“The move into social media was part of our strategic plan for 2020-2024, but we wanted to establish a social media presence for the cooperative sooner rather than later. We greatly value our connection to you, the members we serve and are excited about this new tool,” said Steve Sheffield, general manager of Clarke-Washington EMC.
The Facebook page will not replace direct interaction with member services, but will serve as an additional place to find information after work hours. For example, if you don’t know the phone number (1-800-323-9081) to report an outage, Facebook Messenger connects you to an automated system to find it.
To check out the new Page, visit Click HERE for information on the policy and rules of the site.